
  27-27 Dec, 2019

  Wasat Seattle


“Everything has a polish and the polish of the heart is mindfulness of God (dhikrAllah)” — Prophet Muhammad ﷺ .

Friday, December 27th through Sunday December 29th at Wasat Seattle, Dr. Abdallah Rothman will be speaking at a weekend retreat focusing on spiritual psychology, cultivating presence, living from the heart, and emotional intelligence, at the intersection of modern psychology and Islamic spirituality.

The retreat will introduce the basic psychological framework of the prophetic worldview, exploring the levels of the self (nafs), the spirit (ruh), intellect (‘aql), and the spiritual heart (qalb). In addition to the theoretical framework, the weekend will focus on practical methods for cultivating presence, mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. We will explore practices to facilitate insight and growth in our relationships and personal journeys.
