Welcome to Dar al-Shifaa

A Modern Sanctuary of Traditional Healing

Humankind, there has come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing (shifaa) for what is in your hearts, and for those who believe, a guidance and a mercy.

Qur’an 10:57

Dar al-Shifaa

At Dar al-Shifaa, we embrace the healing practices of ancient wisdom traditions, reimagined for today’s world.

Our name, meaning ‘House of Healing,’ is a tribute to the maristans of early Islamic and Arabic civilizations, renowned for their holistic approach to healthcare. Our mission is to offer a sanctuary where the healing of the metaphysical heart is paramount, and physical well-being is integral.

Learn more about the Dar al-Shifaa vision

Healing for the Whole Being

Dar al-Shifaa is more than a clinic; it’s a holistic journey to wellness, treating mind (‘aql), body (jism), soul (nafs), heart (qalb), and spirit (rūḥ). We aim for optimal health through harmony with one’s innate nature (fiṭrah) and the natural order, blending traditional psychological and spiritual healing with holistic lifestyle medicine for complete well-being.

Learn more about our approach

Diverse Expertise United by a Common Vision

Dar al-Shifaa’s team, with varied expertise in psychotherapy, traditional medicine, coaching, and women’s health, is dedicated to healing the metaphysical heart. Our diverse practitioners provide online personalized care, focusing on holistic, well-rounded treatment that respects each client’s unique needs.

Learn more about our services

Join Us on Your Healing Journey

Discover a haven where ancient traditions meet modern healing, and embark on a transformative journey with Dar al-Shifaa. Here, every aspect of your being is nurtured, and your path to wellness is as unique as you are. Welcome to a place where healing is an art, and your well-being is our highest calling.

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Meet Our Practitioners

  • Dr Elham Abubakr
  • Reehab Ramadan Aref
  • Saman Hussain
  • Dr Abdallah Rothman
  • Mariam Upshaw

At Dar al-Shifaa, our team is our greatest asset. Each practitioner is a guardian of health, bringing unique expertise and a shared commitment to holistic well-being.

Our Practitioners