Our Practitioners

Find the right practitioner for your journey

Dr Elham Abubakr

Dr Elham Abubakr

A distinguished clinical psychologist with over thirty years of experience in the field.

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Reehab Ramadan Aref

Reehab Ramadan Aref

A certified counselor, birth worker and post partum care provider.

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Saman Hussain

Saman Hussain

A certified coach, mediator, group facilitator and counselor.

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Dr Abdallah Rothman

Dr Abdallah Rothman

A Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Registered Art Therapist.

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Mariam Upshaw

Mariam Upshaw

A Certified Nurse Midwife and Registered Nurse.

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Associate Practitioners

A practitioner who is qualified and experienced in their area of professional practice and is currently in supervision for the heart-centered somatic healing method of Dar al Shifaa. *Associate Practitioners will be available for booking from July 2024.

Advanced Practitioners

A practitioner who is qualified and experienced in their area of professional practice and has been working within the heart-centered somatic healing method of Dar al Shifaa for at least 7 years.

Head Practitioners

A senior level practitioner who is qualified and experienced in their area of professional practice and has been working within the heart-centered somatic healing method of Dar al Shifaa for at least 15 years.