Islamic Art & Spiritual Wellbeing Retreat

  17-20 Mar, 2023

  ​Orgiva, Andalusia, Spain


Join Islamic Psychologist and Art Therapist Dr. Abdallah Rothman and guests for a 3-day spiritual therapeutic retreat in the mountains of Andalusia Spain. Through group process, individual reflection, guided meditations, and engaging dialogue participants will use art directives to work on themselves together in a creative, therapeutic, transformational journey.

Various art mediums will be introduced and their unique properties, modes of expression and therapeutic power explored. All art materials will be provided, including: watercolours, oil colours, natural pigments, stencils, charcoal, etc. Also included within the 3-day programme is a trip to Alhambra, where the group will experience first hand the majesty of Islamic art and the legacy of this sacred tradition as we link the stories and symbolism to our present day lives and healing journeys.

Islamic art is more than geometric patterns and calligraphy. Underlying the physical beauty of these designs is a sacred art that mirrors nature and our own nature of being. The outward is a reflection of the inward and vice versa.
​Traditional Islamic art is a convergence of these multiple dimensions all with the aim of witnessing the Divine and bringing the worldly life of separation and multiplicity into alignment with the transcendent reality of Oneness.

The engagement with artistic media and the process of creativity open doors to exploring and experiencing our selves and our inner world and facilitates healing and wellbeing.

*Participants need not have prior art experience nor artistic skills.

Workshops in Islamic sacred geometry and patterns will be lead by Artist AbdelKarim Cederberg. ​
