Soul Development in Australia

  Sep 23-Oct 4, 2023 | Oct 5-9, 2023

  Sydney | Melbourne


This four-day retreat in the secluded setting of Wisemans Ferry in New South Wales Australia will delve deep into practical aspects of Islamic self-development and psycho-spiritual wellness. We will explore and practice muhasabah (self-introspection), tafakkur (contemplation), and ilm an nafs (the science of the soul within the Islamic tradition) and learn tools to implement in day-to-day life. Participants will engage in individual introspective directives and group processes in an experiential programme of self-discovery and embodied spiritual practice. Some light physical exercise will be an integral part of the programme, with nature walks, archery, and martial arts, so be ready to invigorate your body as you enlighten your soul. The sessions will be facilitated by Dr. Abdallah Rothman, a scholar and practitioner of Islamic Psychology, and special guests including Dr. Samir Mahmoud and others.

Dr. Abdallah will be doing a series of events in Sydney from September 23-October 4 and in Melbourne October 5-9.
