Dr Abdallah Rothman

Head Practitioner




health and wellbeingspiritual healinganxietyloss and griefdepressionself-esteemtraumalife transitionsrelationship issuesfamily counselingwellnesslifestyle coachingidentity issuesparenting


Dr. Abdallah Rothman is the founder and Clinical Director of Dar al-Shifaa, Head of Islamic Psychology at Cambridge Muslim College, and President of IAIP. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC), licensed in the United States. Dr. Abdallah holds an M.A. in Psychology from Antioch University and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Kingston University London. He is a student of the late Professor Malik Badri in Islamic psychology and in addition to his academic training has studied privately with a number of traditional Islamic scholars and healers throughout the Muslim world.




Dr. Abdallah has over 20 years’ experience as a counseling psychologist working with individuals, couples families and youth in a variety of settings. His experience with many different styles and methods of therapy, along with his deep, experiential and immersive study of the Islamic spiritual tradition inform his unique integrative approach to counseling. His method is rooted in a traditional approach to healing the whole being by engaging the metaphysical heart (qalb), self (nafs), mind (aql), emotions (ihsaas), body (jism), and spirit (ruh). His approach is not limited to talk therapy and often includes somatic, embodied experiential work that allows access to deeper parts of the self. Dr. Abdallah combines different techniques, tools and practices that are catered to the unique needs of each client. In addition to traditional Islamic therapeutic mechanisms and approaches, Dr. Abdallah draws on aspects from many other frameworks and methods of therapy such as; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Art Therapy, and Spiritual Counseling. Thus his approach is adaptive to the needs and context of a given client and emergent, without predetermined one-size-fits-all techniques and methods.

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